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KQED includes an education based section on their website dedicated to enlighten student, teacher, and parent objectives and development. The goal is to provide resources for educators in order to integrate media and new media tools into a student's learning experience in both formal and informal settings. KQED is a community based public media station and offers the entirety of there resources free of cost to the community.
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Interactive Science Games and Activities

May 11, 2012

Science Zone has an abundance of interactive activities and games for students of all ages! From Habitats to Circuit Boards, to Earth and Space; this website is a great way to introduce new topics to students or reiterate concepts they have already learned. Check out all of the different types of games by clicking on the link below to discover them for yourself!

Science Center

PBS Learning Media

May 8, 2012

PBS Learning Media

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has created PBS Learning Media, a free digital resource library of customizable content for educators.  Once educators have completed the free registration, they will find tens of thousands of free activities available at their fingertips! From math and science activities, to professional development opportunities and webinars, this database gives the user the opportunity to chose the: grade level, subject, media type, resource, state standards, language, etc. to find the activitiies that meet students' specific needs.

PBS Learning Media


Professional Development

Teach Engineering Activities & Digital Library

The TeachEngineering digital library provides teacher-tested, standards-based engineering content for K-12 teachers to use in science and math classrooms. Engineering lessons connect real-world experiences with curricular content already taught in K-12 classrooms.



Resource Area For Teachers (RAFT) STEM activites

RAFT maintains over 100 individual activities.   Users can search the activity ideas, read the activity idea sheet that outlines the activity and materials needed, as well as order affordable materials kits to implement the activities, and even watch videos on how some of the activities are done.

RAFT Bay Area STEM Kits for Students with Autism

Online Tools & Curriculum – STEM Kits for Students with Autism

Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) Bay Area recently partnered with a student from Stanford University to create hands-on, pre-assembled STEM activity kits for students with autism.  The kits are affordable and ready to go, making them a great resource for after-school programs.  Each kit also contains the step-by-step process for implementing the activity and a materials list.  In addition to kits for students with Autism, practitioners will find 100's of activities and videos for students K-12.  Visit for more information.


STEM Kits for Students with Autism

SMILE: Science and Math Informal Learning Educators

SMILE is a national partnership among science and technology centers, museums, community-based organizations, and out-of-school educators. We are dedicated to making science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) exciting and engaging for all learners. Our organizations are resource hubs for educational programs that involve people of all ages and backgrounds.
