
There are also databases that provide comprehensive lists of reviewed curriculum specifically for expanded learning programs. The reviewed curriculum spans across various grade levels, disciplines, & subject matter.

STEM Competitions, Projects, & Culminating Events

There are also databases that provide comprehensive lists of reviewed curriculum specifically for expanded learning programs. The reviewed curriculum spans across various grade levels, disciplines, & subject matter.

Search Curriculum

There are also databases that provide comprehensive lists of reviewed curriculum specifically for expanded learning programs. The reviewed curriculum spans across various grade levels, disciplines, & subject matter.

Teachers TryScience is a website that provides free lessons, teaching strategies, and resources for teachers, created by a collaboration between the New York Hall of Science,, and IBM. Teachers TryScience is designed to spark students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and also provides social networking tools to enable educators to comment on and rate the lessons and professional development plans, as well as, submit their own teaching materials.

Go to, Teachers TryScience, here.