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Women and Girls in STEM Careers


May 11, 2012

An article by Wendy Pollack (2012) in the Huffington Post titled "Recruiting and Supporting Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Careers" examines the gender bias and why women are vastly underrepresented in STEM fields. Pollack (2010) explains that, "Despite decades of progress in higher education and the workplace, gender bias in STEM fields inhibits many talented women and girls from entering STEM careers, and in the end, this keeps the United States from meeting the technical-skills demand of the future and from remaining economically competitive in the world (Recruiting and Supporting Women and GIrls in STEM Careers, para. 1)".  The article also provides strategies and promising practices to successfully recruite girls into the field of STEM. Review the full article:


Recruiting and Supporting Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Careers

Promising Practices
