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NSTA/CSTA Blended Learning Experience


There are also databases that provide comprehensive lists of reviewed curriculum specifically for expanded learning programs. The reviewed curriculum spans across various grade levels, disciplines, & subject matter.

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) are teaming up to provide valuable learning opportunities on how to adapt to the changes that the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will bring to education. For the registration rate of $275, participants are invited to attend one of two daylong Summer Institutes in San Francisco or Anaheim, a post-institute web seminar, and a special event on the final day of the NSTA Area Conference. 

Day-Long Summer Institutes: July 21 in San Francisco or July 25 in Anaheim 
Post- Institute Web Seminar: September 11
Special Event at NSTA Conference: December 6 

For more information, and to register, click here

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