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Regional Innovation Support Providers

Regional Innovation Support Providers (RISP) will be part of a groundbreaking team throughout the state charged with implementing The Power of Discovery: STEM2 at the regional and local level.  By creating, empowering, and guiding cross-sector partnerships among diverse stakeholders, they will also build the professional capacity of out-of-school time programs to offer high-quality STEM learning opportunities.

Alameda County Office of Education and Gateways East Bay STEM

Alameda County Office of Education and Gateways East Bay STEM Learning Network in partnership with The Tech Museum of Innovation form the Regional Support Providers for regions 4 and 5. Please visit their website to learn more.


Tech Museum of Innovation

Alameda County Office of Education and Gateways East Bay STEM Learning Network in partnership with The Tech Museum of Innovation form the Regional Support Providers for regions 4 and 5. Please visit their website to learn more.

Sacramento County Office of Education

The Sacramento County Office of Education is the Regional Innovation Support Provider for region 3.  Please visit their website to learn more.

Orange County STEM Initiative

San Diego County Office of Education in partnership with Orange County STEM Initiative are working together as Regional Innovation Support Providers in Region 9. Please visit their website to learn more.

San Diego County Office of Education

San Diego County Office of Education in partnership with Orange County STEM Initiative are working together as Regional Innovation Support Providers in Region 9. Please visit their website to learn more.