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Resource Presentation: Project Wet, Project Wild, Project Learning Tree

Brian Brown and Sandy Derby provide an overview of the three Environmental Education Curricula: Project WET, Project WILD and Project Learning Tree. They also discuss how these great resources can be implemented in out-of-school time, highlighting some sample activities and additional resources for implementation.

Quality STEM and OST

The Greater Bay Area Regional Innovation Support Provider provided a workshop for the Power of Discovery: STEM2.  Carol Tang, Director of the Coalition for After School Science, provided a framework for quality STEM in after school programs.

The Powerpoint for workshop #1 can be viewed here

Low Cost Resources


The Greater Bay Area Regional Innovation Support Providers present the Power of Discovery Workshop #3. Facilitated by Bruce Simon, this workshop shares low-cost resources available for after school education. Attached is the accompanying PowerPoint. 

Inquiry Based Facilitating

Workshop #2 from the Greater Bay Area Regional Innovation Support Provider for the Power of Discovery: STEM2. This workshop featured Kourtney Andrada from Girls Inc. in Alameda County. She describes inquiry-based faciliation in after school programming. 

Download the following the powerpoint and agenda from this workshop:

Program Quality Assessment


Barbara Hillacker and Gina McGovern from the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality provide a brief overview of the STEM Youth Program Quality Assessment.

Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT)

Phyllis Westrup from Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) gave a presentation at our February STEM Committee meeting about all of the great resources that RAFT has to offer. These resources include: idea sheets, tips sheets, professional development opportunities, STEM activity videos and much more. 

Next Generation Science Standards

Kirk Brown from San Joaquin County Office of Education gave a very informative presentation on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The presentation focuses on the three dimensions of the NGSS and specifically how after school can help support these standards. 
