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How to implement STEM

Resource Presentation : EverFi

Marquette Burton presents on EverFi's completely free interactive online learning platforms that provide a highly engaging education to elementary, middle and high school students. This presentation describes the platforms that teach students about digital citizenship, cyber bullying, basic computer coding and engineering.

Inquiry Based Facilitating

Workshop #2 from the Greater Bay Area Regional Innovation Support Provider for the Power of Discovery: STEM2. This workshop featured Kourtney Andrada from Girls Inc. in Alameda County. She describes inquiry-based faciliation in after school programming. 

Download the following the powerpoint and agenda from this workshop:

Scientists for Tomorrow

Scientists for Tomorrow is a presentation from the Promising Practices Dissemination work group for the STEM Committee. Marcelo Caplan, Associate Professor for the Department of Science and Mathematics at Columbia College in Chicago, is working on an out-of-school time STEM Initiative called Scientists for Tomorrow. This National Science Foundation funded initaiative is designed to bring quality STEM learning opportunities to the youth in out-of-school time programs. Learn more about Scientists for tomorrow by watching this 30 minute webinar.

Encouraging Working Together

After school KidzScience curriculum has developed several videos that explores different aspects of implementing STEM curricula. This particular video shows how to engage students in group work and how working together can increase classroom learning.

Asking Questions

After school KidzScience curriculum has developed several videos that explores different aspects of implementing STEM curricula. This particular video explores the importance of asking questions during activities.

What is Science?

After school KidzScience curriculum has developed several videos that explores different aspects of implementing STEM curricula. This particular video explores the wonders of science and how it can be applied to children's afterschool experience.

How do People Learn?

After school KidzScience curriculum has developed several videos that explores different aspects of implementing STEM curricula. This particular video explores the various manners in which students learn best.

AfterSchool KidzScience: Encouraging Curiosity

This KidzScience video teaches OST practitioners how to encourage STEM curiousity with young students.

Science for All: What Do Our Kids Say?

How do we interest more children in science – particularly those who come from communities not well served by classroom, informal, after-school, or summer science programs?

STEM Videos
