SMILE is a national partnership among science and technology centers, museums, community-based organizations, and out-of-school educators. We are dedicated to making science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) exciting and engaging for all learners. Our organizations are resource hubs for educational programs that involve people of all ages and backgrounds. Darrell Porcello and Sherry Hsi (Lawrence Hall of Science), Erin Van Rheenen (Exploratorium), Preeti Gupta (New York Hall of Science), Keith Braafladt (Science Museum of Minnesota), Margaret Glass (ASTC), and Cheryl McCallum (Children's Museum of Houston) are heading up the project.
SMILE houses science and math activities. Educators are encouraged to both use and contribute to the growing SMILE collection. SMILE is collecting educational materials from the web and creating learning activities, tools, and services – all designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings.