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Pilot Engineering Adventures Middle School (and Upper Elementary) Modules


There are also databases that provide comprehensive lists of reviewed curriculum specifically for expanded learning programs. The reviewed curriculum spans across various grade levels, disciplines, & subject matter.

Engineering Adventures and Engineering Everywhere Curriculum has been developed specifically for expanded learning environments by the Boston Museum of Science. As  many of you heard during our December Committee meeting, they are seeking expanded learning programs and sites to pilot test their three new out-of-school time engineering units outlined below. Sites chosen to pilot the units receive educator guides, all materials necessary for children to complete the activities, and an educator stipend.

  • From Plants to Plastics: Engineering Bioplastics (6th-8th grade)
  • Outbreak: Engineering a Response to Pandemics (6th-8th grade)
  • The Sky's the Limit: Engineering Flying Technologies (3rd-5th grade)

If you are interested in applying to pilot any of the following units, please fill out this online form by Friday, January 17th.
