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Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12: 2014

This year, science teachers and mentors have been challenged to meet the high expectations of the Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards. The Framework urges us to help learners “[build] progressively more sophisticated explanations of natural phenomena…” while NGSS provides a model for “gathering, describing, and using information about the natural and designed world(s).” In the development of curricula that meet these challenges, literature is an essential partner. “The NGSS are aligned with the CCSS [Common Core State Standards] to ensure a symbiotic pace of learning in all content areas.” So it is not surprising that this year’s list of Outstanding Science Trade Books is both the longest and richest in the program’s 42-year history. In the award-winning books below, you’ll find not only traditional science content but engineering and design. We hope you’ll enjoy indulging your spirit of inquiry as you practice science through trade books. Fully annotated reviews of these books will be available in the March 2014 issues of NSTA’s K–12 journals.

