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Campaign for Quality -- High School

Promising Practices From California's High School After School Programs

This guide is an installment of the California Afterschool Network Campaign for Quality. The Campaign for Quality seeks to connect after school practitioners to research-supported promising practices grounded in field experience.

This Guide seeks to highlight people, programs, and successful practices that are supported by research and achieving successful results in California’s high school After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) programs.

The framework for this guide came from the High School After School Program Quality Self-Assessment Rubric (QSAR).

• Learn how a specific practice contributes to after school program quality.
• Pick up tips from leading after school practitioners.
• Position your program with stakeholders by showcasing ways in which your program aligns with expectations and reflects identified promising practices from the field.
• Find more information about the practice through links to web pages, articles and tool kits.

Access Campaign For Quality here!