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STEM Data Explorer Shows Areas for Improvement

It's no secret that the students in the United States have fallen behind their global peers academically, particularly in math and science. The National Science Board – the governing body of the National Science Foundation – on Wednesday released a new tool based on its "Science and Engineering Indicators" report that presents the data in a user-friendly way for parents, educators and policymakers. The tool enables them to take a big-picture look at areas related to education and jobs in science, technology, engineering and math fields. “The STEM fields are critical to the nation’s economic future,” Kelvin Droegemeier, vice chairman of the National Science Board, said in a statement. “Our ability to innovate and compete depends on how well we do in science and technology. The National Science Board developed this one-stop answer center to provide a reliable resource on STEM education and careers.”

The data explorer examines different measures related to STEM education and the workforce in those fields, such as American high school students' proficiency in math and science, what proportion of public school students take and pass Advanced Placement math and science courses, the number of college degrees awarded in science and engineering fields each year and how the STEM job market has grown.

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