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Expanded Learning Focus: Examining the Impact of Afterschool STEM Programs

Examining the Impact of Afterschool STEM Programs is a paper commissioned by the Noyce Foundation that speaks about the impact afterschool STEM programs have. Afterschool programs have long aimed to positively influence students’ personal development and support their social and emotional growth. Studies of high-quality afterschool programs have found that participating children see a significant improvement in their self-perception, increased positive social behavior and a decrease in problem behaviors—changes that ultimately extend to school‐related behavior. Hence afterschool programs are increasingly seen as a key social and academic support for youth. Afterschool researchers and providers have recognized that hands‐on, inquiry‐driven science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs are in line with afterschool’s overall approach to education and have increasingly begun to include STEM in their afterschool offerings. Afterschool programs that provide Examining the impact of afterschool STEM programs strong STEM learning experiences are making an impact on participating youth— youth not only become excited and engaged in these fields but develop STEM skills and proficiencies, come to value these fields and their contributions to society, and—significantly—begin to see themselves as potential contributors to the STEM enterprise.

SOURCE(S):  Afterschool Alliance